Categories Archives
9 post(s) in Mental Health
How did I last this long?
Content notice: Mention of suicidality and depression for the whole thing. I am sincerely okay, so please don’t worry. ♥ Because I spent my developmental years wanting to die, surviving feels like a trick. Even in recovery, depression has taken a toll on my future. Even when I’m not actively hating my life or wishing […]
Wanting to change isn’t enough to enact change
It’s been a long time since I’ve sat and written anything for myself. How many months or years have I now spent vaguely dissociated and depressed? It feels like I’ve been stuck here since I finished my college course in June 2019. I took a new path for 2020 with a coffee shop job, and […]
2021, Part Four: April
While I didn't have many events going on, my mental illness flared up. I was on the edge and needed to stop, sit down with myself, and make sure I knew how to be okay from now on. Some content in this post openly discusses mental illness experiences, and so trigger warnings are included in that section.
Quitting Social Media for Good
I have tried to find balance with my social media use, but I admit defeat, even with the improvements to using social media less from the tactics I introduced at the start of the year. I am quitting (most) social media with the intent to step away for good down the line.
Social Media Addiction: Breaking My Behaviour
I want to break my social media addiction. Passive consumption consumes my life. A social media addiction is a bad habit I know I can break.
Cheerless Marrow
Look, I'm sad and expressing it in poetry helps. Bipolar disorder is hard. I am not in crisis, I'm just real fuckin' sad.
How to Do Anything When You Don’t Feel Like It
Everyone has been in that place where something needs to be done, but they just don’t want to do it. We come up with excuses, we whine to our peers, we say, “I need to do it, but I don’t wanna.” It’s taken me almost 5 years to master how to do anything without feeling […]
3 Ways to Be More Mindful as a Freelancer
"Mindfulness" conjures up meditating with the eyes closed, zen gardens, pleasant and lush streams through green vistas, breathing exercises, and the occasional burst of gong and incense. But it's much more than that.
I bring mindfulness into every aspect of my life, including my freelance work.
Social Media Break? A Sabbatical
This social media break, I'm taking a sabbatical and focusing on creative endeavours! I explain my motives and present some fancy charts to highlight the importance of taking a social media break for mental health.