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8 post(s) in mental health

A soft sunset behind the silhouette of a road sign with four directional signs pointing in different directions.

Wanting to change isn’t enough to enact change

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat and written anything for myself. How many months or years have I now spent vaguely dissociated and depressed? It feels like I’ve been stuck here since I finished my college course in June 2019. I took a new path for 2020 with a coffee shop job, and […]
A messy computer desk viewed from above.

How to Do Anything When You Don’t Feel Like It

Everyone has been in that place where something needs to be done, but they just don’t want to do it. We come up with excuses, we whine to our peers, we say, “I need to do it, but I don’t wanna.” It’s taken me almost 5 years to master how to do anything without feeling […]
A laptop in a minimalistic space with a a plant and sculpture on the desk.

3 Ways to Be More Mindful as a Freelancer

"Mindfulness" conjures up meditating with the eyes closed, zen gardens, pleasant and lush streams through green vistas, breathing exercises, and the occasional burst of gong and incense. But it's much more than that. I bring mindfulness into every aspect of my life, including my freelance work.
A photo of someone's shoes, with a grey textured wall behind them, with a dangling electrical plug next to them.

Social Media Break? A Sabbatical

This social media break, I'm taking a sabbatical and focusing on creative endeavours! I explain my motives and present some fancy charts to highlight the importance of taking a social media break for mental health.
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