Blog Posts

Thoughts on life, writing, art, and health.

Photo by Laura Vinck Fluffy clouds in peach, orange, and pink hues.


It was time to retire the old website name and URL. I’ve been meaning to make the switch since October (when I bought the new domain), but ended up taking my time amidst the transition to college.

So let me formally introduce you to Coryl Creates! I’m so glad to have you here.

What can you find here?

  • My freelance services (editing, design, and transcription!)
  • My portfolio of artwork
  • Occasional blog posts

You may be wondering about the fate of the content from my old website. I still have it all—always make backups of your writing, folks—and plan on republishing a few of my blog posts in the future. I have pieces I’m quite proud of, or that mean a lot to me, that I’d like to make public again.

Don’t forget to find me online and follow the various content I have!

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