Blog Posts

Thoughts on life, writing, art, and health.

snow covered field under cloudy sky during daytime

2021, Part Two: February

At some point this final week, I forgot February had only 28 days. Was I here for this month? In a way, yes. Was I present? ...Nope. But let's get back to reality and look at books, music, games, mental health, accomplishments, highlights, and plans from February 2021!
A person sits on a bed with just their arms visible, crossed one over the other. They wear a watch, and one hand reaches to a phone face down on the blanket, the other to the book "Every Word You Cannot Say" by Iain S. Thomas. The colours are light, with the phone, book, person's hair, and an analog watch standing out in dark brown and grey.

I Got Promoted While Feeling Like a Failure from Burnout

After overworking myself in 2020, feeling like a failure when I crashed from my burnout at the end of the year, I earned a promotion and have found a renewed sense of hesitant motivation, despite still feeling like a failure.
A brick lane with railings on either side. The left side is concrete and the right side is metal posts. The right side includes high metal lamp posts that are illuminated in the dusk.

2021, Part One: January

Let's look at January: books I read, music I enjoyed, games I played, mental health struggles, and my accomplishments.
red mushroom beside grass

Cheerless Marrow

Look, I'm sad and expressing it in poetry helps. Bipolar disorder is hard. I am not in crisis, I'm just real fuckin' sad.
A messy computer desk viewed from above.

How to Do Anything When You Don’t Feel Like It

Everyone has been in that place where something needs to be done, but they just don’t want to do it. We come up with excuses, we whine to our peers, we say, “I need to do it, but I don’t wanna.” It’s taken me almost 5 years to master how to do anything without feeling […]
A laptop in a minimalistic space with a a plant and sculpture on the desk.

3 Ways to Be More Mindful as a Freelancer

"Mindfulness" conjures up meditating with the eyes closed, zen gardens, pleasant and lush streams through green vistas, breathing exercises, and the occasional burst of gong and incense. But it's much more than that. I bring mindfulness into every aspect of my life, including my freelance work.
The word "focus" written on the back of someone's fist, with the background blurred.

A New Year: January 2020

I love the starts of a new year, new month, new week, new anything. Beginnings are my favourite part of a project or a goal. It's the middles and endings I struggle the most with. Even in a new year, I find myself slogging through the middle of the calendar by June. But not in 2020!
A photo of someone's shoes, with a grey textured wall behind them, with a dangling electrical plug next to them.

Social Media Break? A Sabbatical

This social media break, I'm taking a sabbatical and focusing on creative endeavours! I explain my motives and present some fancy charts to highlight the importance of taking a social media break for mental health.
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